понедельник, 29 февраля 2016 г.

Упражнения Верба

Exercise 28

1. I have a camera.
2. My friend has a motorcycle.
3. We have pens.
4. Have you color pencils?
5. Has Victor a bicycle?
6. I don`t have a free time.
7. We havn`t english-russian dictionaries.
8. I have not this article.
9. Have you brother in Belorussia?
10. Has she relatives in Sochi?
11. We don`t have a free time to go there.
12. What have you in the pocket?
13. How many brothers and sisters has she?
14. What time do you have breakfast at?
15. Do you have dinner at school or at home?

Ссылки на видео про готовку и еду

Фразы для рассказа про Richard, Claire, Nina

Claire and Nina


I was very optimistic when I went to meet Claire. My first impression She was very friendly and very extrovert. Physically she was my type. She was quite slim and not very tall with long dark hair. Very pretty. And she was very funny too. She had a great sense of humor. We laughed a lot. The only problem was that Claire was very talkative.  She talked all the time and I just listened.  She wasn`t very interested in me. At the end of the evening I knew everything about her and she knew nothing about me. Claire was a kind of woman I could have as a friend. But not as a girlfriend.


When I first saw Nina  I couldn`t beilive it. I thought, Wow! Thank`s mum! She is very attractive. She`s got  short dark hair And she`s quite tall. She`s Hungarian from Budapest, but her English was fantastic! At first she was a bit shy. That, when we started chatting we found a lot of things in common. We both like music, food and travelling. We got on realy well. We didn`t stop talking for the whole evening. When it was time to go, I knew I realy wanted to see Nina again. And I asked her for a phone  number. But she just smiled at me and sad in her beautiful Hungarian accent:
- Richard, You are realy sweet. But, I`m sorry, you not my type.

четверг, 25 февраля 2016 г.


Фразы и слова на тему погода

Тут много хороших фраз на тему погода

Фразовые глаголы Часть 2

Look for - искать, подыскивать...
Right for - подходящий для...
Get on - делать успехи
Get on  well - хорошо ладить с кем-то
Get up - подниматься
Wake up - будить
Write down - запишете письменно...
Cross out - вычеркивать
Turn on - включать
Turn off - выключать
Make up - делать макияж
Climb up - вскарабкиваться
Factor in - принимать во внимание
Perfer ... to ... - предпочитать одно другому
Go on the date - ходит на свидание
Get out - уходить, уезжать, выходить

Распорядок дня

Every day

вторник, 23 февраля 2016 г.

What is the opposite of

Упражнения Верба

Exercise 4.

Фразовые глаголы Часть 1

Hurry up - поторопиться, поспешить
Laughing at - смеяться над...
Bump up into - протолкнуться в...
Find out - узнать, выяснить, понять
Worry about - беспокоиться о...
Take it   - воспринимать это...
Make a joke / Make jokes - шутить
Prohibit a joke - запрещать шутить
Take away - забирать что-то у кого-то...
Take back - забирать что-то у кого-то назад себе (то что раньше было у нас)
Mean it - серьезно это (относительно своих намерений)
Break down - сломать физически: дверь, машину... жизнь тоже подходит :)
Blame for  - винить кого-то за что-то
Step back - отойти назад как в буквальном так и в переносном
Getting a cab - вызвать такси
Blow up - взрывать...

воскресенье, 21 февраля 2016 г.

Как определить значение фразового глагола?

Как-то на занятии один студент пошутил: «Берешь любой глагол и любой предлог, ставишь вместе, придумываешь непонятное значение и все - фразовый глагол готов!»
В любой шутке есть доля правды. Любой фразовый глагол содержит два основных компонента: глагол и предлог (либо наречие).  Многие предлоги и наречия  английского языка являются «участниками» фразовых глаголов. Среди них: about, across, apart, around, aside, away, back, by, down, forward, in, off, on, out, over, round, through, together, up. Запомнить все сочетания и то, что они обозначают бывает действительно сложно.
При первой встрече с фразовыми глаголами может показаться, что разобраться и запомнить их невозможно без зубрежки. На самом деле, это не так. Сегодня наша статья посвящена предлогам UP, DOWN, OUT, BACK, которые могут много рассказать о фразовом глаголе и помочь вам определить его значение в предложении.

суббота, 20 февраля 2016 г.

About my self


My name is Sveta.

I am a mother of very beautiful and clever daughter Nicol and wife of the best man in my life. His name is Denis.

I have a daughter. She is six. I have a husbed.

I am a working mother. It's very difficult.  because I don`t have enough time to do what I want.
But It`s very interesting for me and very interesting and useful for my family.

I try to be very modern and wise mother. I read many books about children psychology. And I try use psychology recomendation in my life and life my daughter. I study together with my daughter English language, logical subjects. We play a lot of  intelligence games  and quizes. Also we like paper handmade. And we like drawing and decorating.

Also I try to be very interesting woman for my husbend. Example, I study very delishiouse and healsy (здоровоая) food. Everybody man like to eat very tastefully.  Now we like wathing shows and proggrams of the famous cook Jamie Oliver`s together. He teaches fast, usful (здоровая) and cheap cooking of simple products. And, of course,  we try are cooking his dishs too.

My husbend likes playing chess very match, and I study to play chess as well.

At the same time, I have very interesting work. I am analytic of data. I make usefull visualization reports. My reports help customers to decide about their company. Its show how they to reach goals in business. Many companies have many big problems, because they don`t know, how effective they company works. Usually, they don`t have small and clearly reports. Many companies have many very big reports with many rows and columns, but often  this reports are not useful, because they have many difficult information, and this information analyse very difficult. I teach companies to build small and effective reports.

I like my work, because I feel self-actualization in my life, I grow in the professional area, I communicate with many interesting people, and I study business prosesses from many companies.  My work helps me to be an independent woman, And this is very cool.

Make reports short and clear reports about of how effactiov ohert method of developer buseniss in company using different visualizations, diagramms and alse.
I feel that I grow in profession area. I like to meet

пятница, 19 февраля 2016 г.

Урок 19.02.2016



Учебник по английскому:
New English File


Порядок слов в предложении:




Фразовые глаголы писать в отдельную тетрадку - учить слова


Слушаем видео и пишем текст по их речи:


[7:51:13] Аня Репетитор Английского: https://vk.com/topic-27054984_28556465
[7:51:58] Аня Репетитор Английского: https://elt.oup.com/student/englishfile/preint/a_grammar/file01/grammar01_a01?cc=ua&selLanguage=uk
[8:05:00] Аня Репетитор Английского: http://tonail.com/слушать-английский-weather/
[8:31:03] Аня Репетитор Английского: morning! are u ready?
[8:31:12] Светлана Радченко: Yes :)
[8:31:17] *** Звонит Аня Репетитор Английского ***
[8:46:59] Аня Репетитор Английского: http://enrucafe.blogspot.ca/2012/01/blog-post_17.html
[8:47:59] Светлана Радченко: Hi! My name Senters
[8:48:13] Светлана Радченко: What is you name?
[8:49:59] Светлана Радченко: Hi! My name is Jon.
[8:50:22] Светлана Радченко: Nice to meet you, Andrue
[8:50:34] Аня Репетитор Английского: Andrew
[8:50:37] Аня Репетитор Английского: John
[8:50:58] Светлана Радченко: Nice to meet you too, John
[8:51:50] Светлана Радченко: How are you?
[8:52:10] Светлана Радченко: I am fine,  thank you
[8:52:32] Светлана Радченко: I`m
[8:52:41] Светлана Радченко: My name`s Andrew
[8:53:10] Светлана Радченко: How are you?
[8:53:22] Светлана Радченко: I`m fine too, ok
[8:53:40] Светлана Радченко: I must be going now
[8:54:18 | Изменены 8:54:50] Светлана Радченко: I`ts been nice talking to you
[8:54:28] Аня Репетитор Английского: talking
[8:55:02] Аня Репетитор Английского: it's been
[8:55:43] Аня Репетитор Английского: it has been nice
[8:58:53] Светлана Радченко: see you
[9:14:30] Светлана Радченко: What music do you listen to?
[9:14:56] Светлана Радченко: What music are you listening to
[9:14:58] Светлана Радченко: ?
[9:16:18] Светлана Радченко: C кем ты собираешься в кинотеатр?
[9:16:47] Светлана Радченко: Who are you going to the cinema with?
[9:17:52 | Изменены 9:18:27] Светлана Радченко: What topic do you want to talk about?
[9:21:16] Светлана Радченко: https://elt.oup.com/student/englishfile/preint/a_grammar/file01/grammar01_a02?cc=ua&selLanguage=uk
[9:22:32] Светлана Радченко: http://lingualeo.com/ru/jungle/friends-airport-security-deleted-scene-44341#/page/1
[9:32:02] Светлана Радченко: 440 грн остатка

Домашнее задание:

1. Рассказ о себе
2. Рассказ о погоде
3. Учебник - страница 1

четверг, 11 февраля 2016 г.

вторник, 9 февраля 2016 г.

Урок 1

Тест на знание английского:

Разные приветствия:


Случай в аэропорту:

понедельник, 1 февраля 2016 г.

Скороговорки на английском

Four fine fresh fish for you.
Six silly sisters selling shiny shoes. 
If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose? 
I'm looking back, 
To see if she's looking back, 
To see if I'm looking back, 
To see if she's looking back at me!
Run right round the road
Harry has a happy hamster
Unique New-York
Red lorry, yellow lorry
I scream, You scream, we all scream for ice-cream!
A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose
A double bubble - gum bubbles double
Three thin things
Those thirty thirsty thieves
She sells seashells setting on the seahore.
The shells she sells are seashells I`m sure 

Ссылки на скороговорки:
Tongue twisters