вторник, 29 марта 2016 г.

Фразовые глаголы придумываем предложения

go out - гулять
My boyfriend invited me to go out with him tomorrow.

reach down - тянуться вниз, наклоняться
I am reaching down and see the gold coin.

pull out - вытаскивать
Mike is pulling out two apples from his bag.

move out - вывозить
Oliver helped to move out a rubbish from the garden to his uncle.

keep on - продолжать
We are eating apples and keep on  doing homework.

say out load - высказать вслух
I like to say out load my point of view.

freak out - выйти из себя, разозлиться
Ann had broken down your heel and freaked out.

get out - выбраться
We got out from forest late at night.

fall off - отваливаться
The cone fell off from the tree and scared squirrels.

push down - сталкивать
We walked at the forest and leid down on the grass to relax.

is away - отсутствовать
Mary is away at school today. She is ill.

buzz in - впустить
Somebody called at the door. Mary didn`t buzz in him, because she was at home alone.

ask out - пригласить на свидание
Dany asked out Mary to the best fish restaurant.

come in - заходить.
Children are coming in the classroom.

right back - вернуться
We was late to our flight and came back at home.

sit down - садиться
We sit down in the soft armchair.

be up - быть занятым
I was up at the work and didn`t go to the cinima with my friends.

come over - заходить
My friend comes over to me offen.

hang out - проводить время.
I like to hang out with my freinds.

hit on - клеиться к девушке
Mike likes hitting on the unknown girls. But the unknown girls don`t lile Mike.  He is very fat.

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