воскресенье, 10 апреля 2016 г.

Друзья, про день рожденья

Rachel turned 30.
She upseted.
She wanted presents, but she din`t want turned 30

Friends remembed who they celebreted them turned 30.

Joe cried.
Monica was drinking.
Ross bought a sport car.

Monika and Chendler presented Rachel card with wish to be grandma. They wanded to make a joy, but Rachel began to cried and upseted very much. She will not be a grandma, because she need husband and kids for it.

Because you're not a grandma.
To be a grandma, you have to
be married and have children.
I don't have any of those things.
That's why it's so funny.
I'm just gonna go...

It was stupid to get upset about
not having a husband and kids.
All I really needed was a plan.
See, I want three kids.

I should have the first one
by the time I'm 35.
Which gives me five years.
If I want a kid when I'm 35, I don't
have to get pregnant until I'm 34.
Which gives Prada four years
to start making maternity clothes.
But I want to be married
for a year before I get pregnant.
Really? That long?
Look all you want, it's happening.
I don't have to get married until
I'm 33. That's three whole years.
Wait a minute, though.
I'll need a year and a half
to plan the wedding.
And I'd like to know the guy
for a year, year and a half...
before we get engaged.

Which means I need to meet the guy
by the time I'm 30.

Oh, Tag...
You're such a great guy.
And we have so much fun together.
-But I..
I think I see where you're going.
Before you say anything else,
can I say one more thing?
Well said.
And a good example of the fun
I was referring to.
But I think I'm past the point
where I can just have fun.
Don't do this. This is just
because you're turning 30.
Yeah, it is.
But you're just a kid.
I mean, you're 25.
-Twenty-four, actually.
-Oh, God.
You know what I wish?
I wish you were six years older.
Well, if I'm wishing for stuff,
I wish I was six years younger.
-Me too.
-Yeah. Sorry.
Hey, how'd it go?
If I only want two kids,
can I keep him for another year?

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